Suggestions and Complaints

We welcome suggestions for improvements to our services

Your Suggestions

We are always seeking to enhance our service and welcome suggestions for the improvement of the practice and the website. There are a number of ways to give feedback to the Practice, whether via NHS Choices, Friends and Family Test Feedback, or by contacting the Practice Directly. Please see below for contact information:

Send Feedback Online:

  • NHS Choices, New Croft Surgery: click here to leave a review of New Croft Surgery
  • NHS Choices, Ireland Wood Surgery: click here to leave a review of Ireland Wood Surgery


Everyone at Ireland Wood and Horsforth Medical Practice aims to provide the best service and care possible. Unfortunately, we understand that there may be times when you feel this has not happened and we have failed to meet your expectations.

We want the patients in our practice to be able to let us know what is working well; help us identify any potential service problems; help us identify any risks and prevent them from getting worse; highlight opportunities for staff involvement; and provide us with feedback to review our services in order to continue improving.

If you feel unhappy with your care, you may choose to speak to our reception managers or practice manager either by telephone or at the practice. Alternatively, you could make an appointment with one of the doctors to raise your concerns, in this case it may be helpful to ask for a double appointment at the time of booking.

We hope that any problems you have can be dealt with easily and quickly, at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If your complaint can not be addressed informally, please tell us as soon as possible, This should be within 12 months of the incident or when the matter came to your attention.

Please complete our complaint form below. We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, with either a verbal or written response. We will aim to respond to your complaint with the results of our investigation into your concerns within 60 days.

If you would like to make a complaint on behalf of someone else please complete the consent form below ‘Patient Feedback and Complaint Form’. It is essential that we have permission to discuss confidential medical information.

If you have difficulty accessing the forms online and would prefer paper copies, please ask our reception teams who will be able to help you.

We hope that you will use our practice complaints procedure as detailed above, we believe this will give us the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong and an opportunity to improve the services we provide. We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly when they arise. However, if you feel uncomfortable raising your concerns or complaint directly with us or if you believe this is not appropriate, you can raise your complaint with the ICB who commission and pay for the NHS services you use at. The details of how to process a complaint with the ICB are below.

Email: at

Telephone: 01924 552150

In writing: West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Complaints Team, White Rose House West Parade, Wakefield WF1 1LT

Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ICB is closed on bank holidays.

Please note: If you have raised your concerns or complaint with us already, the West Yorkshire ICB will not be able to reconsider the same concerns.

You can find more information on how to make a complaint to the ICB on their website:

Patient Feedback and Complaints Form

Form for patients to submit any feedback/complaints/compliments

"*" indicates required fields

Please describe in one or two sentences the issues that have led to this complaint. This will help us understand the key problems you have experienced.
This may include at this surgery or at a previous healthcare provider. Please provide details if it was previously resolved.
For example, problems can arise due to conflicting messages, personality conflicts, or where we were unable to meet your expectations. Understanding this aspect helps us to explore the full circumstances surrounding the issue.
Understanding our patient’s needs is important to us so that we can explore and address issues fully. Common outcomes that patients value include improving our service through training, saying sorry when we have made a mistake, addressing a communication issue or exploring the issues with you in more detail.
We would like to review this feedback as part of our ongoing commitment to improving our services where possible and reaching a positive outcome for both you and the practice, ensuring that our systems are as effective as we can make them.
Would you like the practice team to contact you about this feedback?*Any feedback we receive is reviewed by the complaints team and appropriate action taken. If you wish to know the outcome of your feedback, please leave your response here (yes/no)

Handling Your Complaint

· Your complaint will normally be acknowledged within two working days

· We will agree with you what you expect as a realistic outcome of your complaint – this may include managing your expectations and explaining what is and is not possible within the services we provide as an NHS organisation

· We will resolve your concerns quickly where at all possible

· We will gather any additional information necessary to assess your concerns

· We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint in the way you have requested – e.g. written/by telephone

· We will contact you once the complaint has been dealt with, acknowledging when things have gone wrong, offering an apology if this is appropriate, identifying areas that may have been changed or reviewed.

· If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint we will advise you how you can take your complaint further.

· You may complain on behalf of another person – but you must first have their written consent. Complaints made on behalf of another patient will not be investigated without the written consent of the patient.

Ireland Wood Surgery Hub

Please note that the Ireland Wood Surgery Hub is staffed and managed by a different team to the Ireland Wood Surgery. If you would like to make a suggestion, pass on a compliment or make a complaint about the Hub, please send it to Ireland Wood Surgery, marked for the attention of The Ireland Wood Surgery Hub Manager and we will ensure it is passed on.

Out of Hours Service

If you want to make a comment, complaint or compliment about the out of hours service please contact ICB Complaints Team.

Email: at

Telephone: 01924 552150

In writing: West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Complaints Team, White Rose House West Parade, Wakefield WF1 1LT

Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ICB is closed on bank holidays.

You can find more information on how to make a complaint to the ICB on their website: